Monday, October 5, 2015

Moving to Chicago: Am I Crazy?

I am 26 years old, and I am completely starting my life over.

In May 2011,  graduated from UW-Madison and commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. After that day, my life was no longer mine. The Army now controlled where I lived, how long I lived there, how much (or how little) I slept, when I needed to be set away for specialty training, who I could be friends with, how often I saw my family, basically every piece of my life. For four years, I ebbed and flowed as the Army told me to, and while I did it professionally, I always knew that this was not the life for me. So when the opportunity presented itself, I ended the relationship. U.S. Army, we are never ever ever ever, getting back together.

So here I am. Free for roughly six days so far, getting ready to finally leave Kansas. Kansas! This has never been the place for me. Give me bright lights, broadway shows every weekend, a body of water to stroll along, a diverse population, four varied seasons, and a new coffee shop to go to everyday, and I will thrive. Kansas, my friends, has none of these things. It has been a mismatch from the start, and I must leave. But you know what city fits the bill?


Even thinking the name now is a breeze of crisp air blowing across the leaf-laden ground of my exciting future. For so long I have been tied up in a daft uniform, not allowed to express myself or chase my dreams Now is my chance! Come along with me as I immerse myself back into the world of fashion, beauty, travel, food, and of course, fitness. Who knows, maybe along the way you'll learn something, or at least laugh a bit?

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