Sunday, March 13, 2016

Let's Talk: Supplements (2/?)

Pre workout. Caffeine. My little buddy. Stimulants in relation to training range from herbal and synthetic sources of caffeine to controlled drugs like amphetamine and cocaine (LOL if you use cocaine as a pre workout and are reading this blog, like why are you here).

Caffeine is easily the most widely used stimulant. It's primary target is the central nervous system, heart, and skeletal muscles. Studies show that caffeine DOES have a "work generating" affect on endurance exercise (more than an hour), high intensity exercise lasting about 5 minutes, but not on sprint-type work (90 seconds or less). If you're looking to get the most out of your caffeine, the most effective response has been seen when the amount of caffeine is 3-6 mg per kg of body weight and is ingested an hour before training.

Negatives of caffeine? It varies from person to person and depends on the product. Coffee works well for me, PEScience Alphamine as well, but some preworkouts give me the shakes, make me itchy, and even nauseated. Some people get headaches, some don't feel anything. More serious adverse affects include rapid heart and breathing rates, convulsion, increased ruin production, chest pain, and irregular heart rhythm. And yeah caffeine addiction is pretty common and comes with withdrawal symptoms so, understand what you are doing when you consume your drug of choice.

To be safe, feel free to check out the World Anti-Doping Agency list of prohibited stimulants for sports competitions. These stimulants are banned in support of safe training, because they have adverse effects such as altere behavior, headaches, disrupted heart function, overheating, and even death.

(C4 is shit, stay away). :)

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